
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 22nd

Welcome back from our looooong weekend! I hope you all had a great few days and had the chance to spend some time with your families yesterday. The children had a lot to share about all the fun things they did.


Please see spelling list in your child's backpack. We have included their student ID number again this week for added practice. The children have been using their IDs to log on to the computers during our spelling station time in class.

Bits & Pieces

THURSDAY is a big day.
* ASSEMBLY in the morning at 9:10 (hosted by the Grade 2s).
* FUN LUNCH day. Students who ordered fun lunch will be receiving pita lunch.
* TWIN DAY! You you can can come come to to school school dressed like someone else! We hope to see a lot of twins, triplets, etc.


Please note that we are booked for swimming during the month of March and will be looking for volunteers (no more than 1-2 per day) The dates are: March 16-18 & 21st - 23rd to help our students get changed in a quick and efficient manner - we often have a particular need for Dads to help out in the boys changeroom! I don't the the exact TIMES for Grade 1 yet but if there are days you know you can help, feel free to e-mail me and let me know! Thank you very much in advance!

In math we had to work as groups to come up with as many CORRECT number sentences as possible for the number 12!  To make this harder, the groups were responsible to checking over the work of other students.

Today we went on a listening walk around the school. In small groups, we recorded the different sounds we heard in various areas (hallway, great hall, office, gym, library, etc.) Some of the sounds we heard were the same, but some were very different!

Did you know? Children have better hearing than adults. There are some high frequency sounds that people stop hearing around the age of 25. We did an experiment in class, and at 21 hertz the students were still able to hear the sound, but Mr. Simmon's and I could not! The children thought this was pretty neat!

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