
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday, December 15th

PAJAMA DAY TOMORROW! It is also Backwards Lunch Day tomorrow. Students will get to eat their dessert first - so if you are able, please pack a special treat in your child's lunch tomorrow!

LAST DAY OF CLASSES Tomorrow - Winter Break - School Resumes January 3rd

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday, December 14th

Three of the cast members from Dr. Seussical the Musical came to visit our school today! We asked them many wonderful questions and learned a lot about the life of an actor. Ask your child what they learned today!

In math we are working on number sentences and math stories. Have your child create their own number sentence or have them solve one that you invent. (ie. you can use objects from around the home, when out grocery shopping, etc.) example: "If we bought 6 apples and 3 oranges, how many pieces of fruit would we have?"

Reminder: Thursday is Pajama Day!!! It is also our last day of school for the holidays. School will resume January 3rd.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday, December 13th

We are still doing spelling words this week. However, we will not be doing a test this week. When we return in the new year we will review this week's spelling and have our test then.
Feel free to practice the words if your child wants to.

Yellow - Monday - or, sit; Tuesday - today, word; Wednesday - what, do
Orange/Purple/Red - Monday - rode, use, cute, blue; Tuesday - have, give, live, love; Wednesday - nice, chance, dance, cage
Blue/Green - same as orange/purple red.

Last Day of School for Winter Break: Thursday, December 17th.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesday, December 8th

We have Alien In-line Skating tomorrow, Friday and next Monday. Please send helmets, elbow pads or knee pads to school tomorrow if you have them.

Artisan Fair on Monday 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Please come shop & visit with us!

No Grapheme Quiz tomorrow. Spelling Test on Friday.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, December 6th

Tomorrow is our field trip! We are off to see Dr. Seussical the Musical! Please make sure your child has a substantial lunch and snack for this day. We will eat "Brunch" around our regular snack time (10:00 am) before we board the buses (10:45 am). When we return to the school, around 1:45, the students will have their snack before recess. The children will be dismissed at their regular dismissal time.
If you are volunteering for the field trip, please arrive at the school by 10:30.

Alien in-line skating also begins this week. If your child has a bike, hockey/skating or snowboarding helmet, please send it, labeled with their name, with your child by Thursday.

Alien In-Line Skating

On Friday, the cast from Dr. Seussical the Musical is visiting the school. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions of the cast members. We will brainstorm some questions to ask the actors. After the performance on Tuesday, ask your child to tell you about it.

There will be spelling words on Monday and Wednesday (not Tuesday due to Dr. Seussical), with our spelling test on Friday.

On Monday, December 13th, we will have our first annual Artisan Fair. This event runs from 6pm until 8 pm. You are welcome to come and go at any time. Items for purchase range from baked goods to Holiday ornaments to student made books and calendars. We hope you will come and support our fair as all proceeds will go towards the Alberta Children's Hospital and new books for our library!

Artisan Fair Info

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thursday, December 2nd


Spelling quiz tomorrow

Bits and Pieces

December and January Calendars go home tomorrow.

Important dates to take note of:
December 7th - Dr. Seussical the musical
December 10th - Dr. Seussical cast visit
December 13th - Artisan Fair (please see our December newseltter on the Panorama Hills website for more information)
December 9th - 16th - Alien In-Line Skating - If your child has a CSA approved helmet (bike helmet or other) it is recommended they bring it for In-Line Skating. Please ensure your child's name is in their helmet.
December 17th - Winter Holiday begins
January 3rd - First day back to school

* We will be making Christmas Crafts tomorrow afternoon for the Artisan Fair. Please email me if you are interested in coming in to help out.